Story Mode: Would You Rather @ the Gunn Library
May 17 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Minor Memorial Library, Gunn Memorial Library, and Burnham Library are once again partnering to offer a fantastic summer reading program: Level Up! @ Your Library
Leading up to June’s Tri-Town summer kick-off, Gunn Junior Library invites the Washington, Roxbury, and Bridgewater communities to join in Story Mode, a creative storytelling adventure!
The Junior Library will provide four Remix Stations in collaboration with the GIANT Room, a New York City-based innovation hub for kids. These stations will allow you, your friends, and your family to draw and invent unique characters, settings, and plot twists and see them transformed into published trading cards, games, and comic strips.
Each month is a self-directed activity, so you can complete it on your own time with or without the help of a librarian. The Junior Library also offers “Creation Hours” every week, during which you can use supplies from the Makerspace to bring your vision to life. Be sure to check the library’s website for the complete schedule!
Each month focuses on a different part of your story:
March 8-29 • Dream up your character. Complete a character sheet with a drawing of an avatar and its traits, including powers, power rating, voice, favorites, items, weaknesses, strengths, birthday, habitat, physical features, awards, and more. The GIANT Room will remix your creation into a printed trading card for you! Special Hour with Ms. Teresa from Roxbury: Saturday, March 22, 10:00 – 11:00 am
April 5-26 • Build your own city and create a place for the story to happen. Engineer a building and decide its materials and unique features. The GIANT Room will remix this creation into another printed trading card featuring their building sketch, an AI-generated 3D render, and its features. Special Hour with Ms. Jean from Roxbury & Burnham: Saturday, April 26, 10:00 – 11:00 am
May 3-24 • Create challenges for your character. Help create a deck of “Would You Rather” questions by submitting a question that helps you reflect on your emotions, makes you smile with a rhyme, sparks a debate, or gives you the giggles! The GIANT Room will remix your creation into a printed trading card. Special Hour with Ms. Lianne from the Burnham: Saturday, May 17, 10:00 – 11:00 am
June 7-28 • Tell a story about your character. Write and illustrate a comic strip using a pre-made template, and the GIANT Room will remix it into a printed poster. Special Hour with Ms. Teresa: Saturday, June 14, 10:00 – 11:00 am
Saturday, June 21, from 10:00 am -12:00 pm kick off summer reading and level up your character’s story as you visit several activity stations at this community event with the GIANT Room.
This is an excellent opportunity to express your creativity, collaborate with your community, and see your ideas come to life!
This program was made possible by the Connecticut State Library.