7 events found.
Week of Events
Book Discussion: Starry Messenger by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Book Discussion: Starry Messenger by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Book Discussion: Starry Messanger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization by Neil deGrasse Tyson All are welcome to join in the lively monthly discussion on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 pm. Questions? Email Catherine Flynn at cwflynn60@gmail.com Copies of each selection will be available at the library or request curbside pick-up. Upcoming discussion: April 24…
Winter Burnham Bunch Storytime
Winter Burnham Bunch Storytime
Burnham Library Presents: Winter Burnham Bunch Storytime Thursdays 10:30am Stories, songs, bubbles & friends for the 5 and under crowd.