Burnham Bunch Storytime
The Burnham Library 62 Main Street South, Burnham Library, BridgewaterBurnham Library Presents: Burnham Bunch Storytime 10:30am-11:00am Stories, songs, bubbles and activities/crafts.
62 Main Street South, Bridgewater, CT 06752
62 Main Street South, Bridgewater, CT 06752
Burnham Library Presents: Burnham Bunch Storytime 10:30am-11:00am Stories, songs, bubbles and activities/crafts.
Burnham Library Presents: Grades 3-5 STEAM projects 3:30pm-4:00pm Students will learn about a fun topic and then create related art designs.
Hoopskirts to Flappers: Connecticut Fashion 1860 - 1930s A woman born in 1850 who lived for 80 years would have seen fashion change dramatically in her lifetime. This program will…
62 Main Street South, Bridgewater, CT 06752
62 Main Street South, Bridgewater, CT 06752