Open Mic Night
April 26 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Join us for our second annual Open Mic Night! Register to perform and share a favorite work or original piece, or just come to listen and enjoy the performances and light refreshments!
You don’t have to be a professional – we seek to create a supportive space for everyone to share! Any kind of performance is welcome – play an instrument, share a favorite monologue, poem or written work by someone else that inspires you, your own original work, dance, acoustic music, you name it!
This program is for ages 12+. Registration is required for audience members and performers, since space is limited. Register at the Google Form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16jiqN8XPJXjbLaJwQ8rHCdp91K094SmDsmQBXUyvmsU/edit
Performers, please note: Each performance will be limited to 5 minutes, and we ask that performances be kept PG-13. The host will share a set list for registered performances prior to the event.
Questions? Email Katie at ksteele@burnhamlibrary.org